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5 magical social media marketing strategies to shower in results

Hey entrepreneur, how are you doing? Hope everything is good!

No? 😨

Are you struggling with your social media marketing strategy? Your content is not reaching enough audiences? You’re unable to convert your post views into actions?

And you’re feeling lost and upset? I can understand. 😞

You’ve identified that your prospects spend a lot of their time on social media. And you’re putting so much effort into creating content to attract their interest. But they are busy liking and sharing others’ posts.

It seems like they’re not even noticing you. Day in and day out you’re creating content. But not getting any results. With zero ROI, social media marketing feels like a gruesome task. Right?

Well, there are 207 million content creators in the world at this moment. And standing out from this 207 million crowd is a daunting job. 😥😟

But you’re not alone. Every brand and content creator on social media is facing the same problems as you.

  • How to organically reach more audiences on social media?
  • How to build your brand’s credibility on social media?
  • How to make your social media audience like, share and comment on your posts?
  • How to make them come back again and again for your newer content?
  • And most importantly, how to convert more social media audiences into customers?

Every single brand is trying to win on social media and out-compete each other. They are investing a lot of money, time and resources to create winning social media marketing strategies with awesome content.

They are fighting against all the odds with the firepower that you don’t possess. What can you do? 😔😢

But if you gotta win, you gotta win!

In this article, you’ll learn about 5 magical social media marketing strategies to shower in results. Literally, shower in results! 😎

All 5 strategies are proven and aligned with organic growth only. These strategies will help you to reach more audiences, communicate better with your audience, make them take action on your posts and influence them to become your loyal followers.

Loyal follower means better sales conversion. When your followers promote your credibility on your back, you’ll convince new prospects like a knife in butter.

So, fasten your seat belt and dive in.

1. Create content in the WIIFM model

You’re not Johnny Depp, are you?

Then why should people be interested in you? Unless you provide them with some value. 🤔

Stop bragging about yourself. Start creating content for your audience. Speak their language, address their pain points and give them the solutions they need.

Add value to their journey through your content. Don’t be generic, be as specific as possible.

Create content using the WIIFM model. 💡🎯

  • W = What’s
  • I = In
  • I = It
  • F = For
  • M = Me

What’s IIFor Me?

All your content on social media should pass this test. Think like your target audience. Before and after reading your post on social media, if they ask- What’s in it for me? Will they get anything valuable as an answer? 🤔

Think of this article for instance. Before reading this article your brain asked this question- What’s in it for me? Or is it relevant for me?

When you got the green signal from your brain saying- You’re struggling with your social media strategies. You must learn how to win on social media. Then only you clicked on this article to see what’s inside.

Now after reading the whole article thoroughly, your brain will ask again- What’s in it for me?

If you like this article and the strategies mentioned here (which I’m sure you’ll do), then your brain will register my website as a credible resource in your mind. 📝📋

The next time you see me posting any article link on my social media handles, you’ll more positively click and read it.

It’s the power of the WIIFM model. If your content follows the WIIFM model, you have a lot better chance of providing real value to your audience.

And when you provide real value, you get more reaction.

2. Post on trending topics

A generic marketing funnel comprises 4 simple steps.

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Loyalty

Any target audience goes through all these steps (starting from Awareness to Loyalty) in their journey.

All these steps apart from the first step (Awareness) are dependent on the previous step’s performance. Think of your social media posts in this same manner.

Before people will consider if they will like, share or comment on your post, they must know that your post exists. Your post must reach a good number of audience before you can evaluate its performance. 📈

To reach more audience you can choose the paid advertisement route. But it’s not a wise choice in every case.

Try looking for an organic way instead. It’s a more sustainable approach. One effective yet sustainable post-discovery strategy is to post on trending topics.

Find the trending topics in your niche or location for each day. Or maybe each week. It depends on your posting schedule. And create valuable posts on those topics. 📊

You can easily find what’s trending right now using Google Trends and Twitter. People are more interested in “what’s happening today” or “what’s the big thing today” posts than any generic post.

Try leveraging the trend to get better discovery for your social media posts.

You’ll surely get better visibility if you follow this strategy with precise timing.

3. Present your content in a unique and appealing way

Your target audience is already overwhelmed with content on social media. Accept it.

The moment you accept this fact, you’ll become open to differentiation. 🚪🔑

You can’t share anything new that’s not out there. Your approach can be new but the content is the same.

Now, if you and your competitors are posting similar content for your common target audience then you have no other choice but to differentiate.

Think of unique yet appealing ways of presenting your content to your audience. Look for other successful content creators for inspiration.

  • See how they’re presenting their content?
  • How they’re differentiating themselves?
  • Which colours they’re using?
  • How they’re communicating with the audience?
  • What’s their content schedule?
  • What’s their editorial calendar?
  • Which form of content they’re posting more often?
  • Which form of content they’re using for different types of conversion?

When you analyze enough successful content creators, you’ll start to understand their patterns. Keep those patterns as your reference points. Now you create your own differentiation strategy within your constraints. 💡

Post some content, see the results and tweak. Trust in the process and in no time you’ll have your own unique and appealing content presentation strategy that can generate results.

4. Comment, share and like other people’s posts

Do you want your audience to like your posts? Comment on and share your posts?

Your audience wants the exact same too! 🤗

Everybody wants to be appreciated on social media. It’s the most fundamental behaviour of people on social media. All social media platforms are designed to leverage the self-appreciation of people.

If I post a picture on social media, I want people to like it and comment on it. The more people engage with my post the more I feel appreciated. 😊

I’ll also take note of those who have liked my picture. So the next time they post their pictures, I can like them. I’ll like their pictures because I want them to like my next picture.

It’s a loop. 😉😜

And if you want engagement on your posts, then you got to stay in the loop. Especially in the initial stages.

Like and comment on the post of your audience. Bond with them. Build a relationship. Then see the magic happen. People will love you back when you show love to them first.

5. Add intriguing CTA to your social media profile

You’ve mastered your social media content strategy. You’re posting valuable content, and you’re posting regularly. Still, you’re unable to generate results. Why?

Because you aren’t asking your audience to do anything after reading the posts. 🎯

If you don’t ask for anything, you won’t get anything.

Identify your Call To Action. It can be a comment, like, share, subscribe, visit the website, purchase products and so on. Prioritize them in order.

Design your posts relevant to your CTAs. The harder a CTA is for your audience, the better the post has to be. ✨

If you want someone to buy your product after reading or watching your post. Then your post has to be that good. Top-notch to convince the reader. Maybe you’ll need 3-4 supporting posts for that one post.

Plus, optimize your profile. Add CTAs in your cover photo, description etc. Your CTAs should be clear, concise and extremely easy to find. 🔍🤓

Remove all the resistance between your audience and your CTAs. Make them easy to find and attractive enough to engage.


How did you find the strategies? Awesome! Right? 😊

All these 5 social media marketing strategies are from the winners, for the winners. 

Incorporate these strategies into your social media marketing process. Tweak them as per your needs, make them your own and launch. 💪🚀

If you’re consistent and honest with your process, you’ll start to see the results after just a few months. Trust in the process.

Do you want more of these kinds of result-driven strategies delivered directly to your email inbox? Then subscribe to my newsletter by clicking the subscribe button below. 👇

See you around!

Krisam Saha

A passionate entrepreneur (360° Marketing & Ads + Top 1% Specialist Network), an annoying husband, a sports fanatic and a crazy thinker. That's it. PS: I am not a writer. I am just trying to write.

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